Sunday, December 14, 2008

Horizontal Seperation

I’m sure everyone has heard and read the news of landslide in Bukit Antarabangsa. The landslide impact has caused all the 14 bungalows on the hill collapsed and killed 4 people.
This is second incident in that area where previously Highland Towers Condominium collapsed.
Even after the first incident, our government never takes any proactive measurement to ensure such cataclysm will never repeat in future.
First of all, hill side project are dangerous because the trees on hill side will be cut off and the land will be flatten to build house. When there is high rain fall, water will flow down as there are no trees (tree roots) to absorb the water.
This will make the soil elastic and as time goes it will cause erosion and landslide.
The first question we must ask ourselves is – Is it necessary for Malaysian to build houses on hill side? Is Malaysia shortage of flat land? Malaysia is not Hong Kong or Singapore where we leave in a small island and shortage of land.
The geographical aspect of our county is one of the best and that’s is why we are known as “ Suvarnabumi” during Srivijaya & Majapahit Empire.
I hope the current state government will play an important to stop and awarding any projects on hill side.
By the way, the reason I’m writing about the landslide is some of the news I got it from my friends who in charge on the evacuation process at Bukit Antarabangsa.
It seems the government of Malaysia prepares 5 star hotels stay for the impacted family. Besides that, they will receive RM10k to “promote” the generosity of Malaysia government to “natural disaster” victims.
I just want to know why our Malaysia government is always double standard. Are people in Kelantan, Pahang and Terengganu who become the victim of flood are given the same treatment? Are the family is given RM10k?
Is the government preparing 5 star hotels or even low price motel for these families? In the name of government of Malaysia which in reality using tax payers money to “help” Bukit Antarabangsa victim with luxury care is totally unacceptable. Yes, I’m sad for the impacted families in Bukit Antarabangsa but I’m not happy with the double standard practice by our “beloved” government in handling the issue. Just because the resident of this effected area is rich and some of them VIP, the amount of efforts, preventive measurement and other highlights given is not even 30% of attention given when there is any natural disaster such us flood in East Coast or even the recent one in Penang during Hari Raya. The SK Hulu Klang relief centre for Bukit Antarabangsa landslide evacuees is open but remains empty. Instead of using the school, hotel has been given as relief centre using tax payer’s money. Is this a wise move?
The evacuees also refuse to eat “nasi bungkus”. Fair treatment should be given to everyone equally. Every human being in this world must be respect and treated equally. Then only the sprit of one nation, unity, and world peace can be obtained. If the government itself practicing double standard, it will take more time to meet the goal of national unity and integration. In Malaysia, we are already vertically divided based on our ethnicity – Malay, Chinese, Indian, Iban, Kadazan, Sikh and so on. Why then we our self prompting to new horizontal separation – rich, middle income and poor? I think this system is dead after feudalism era. Why human mind back to narrow thinking? How long we are going to live in this world? I hate all this kind of limitation we create and it is just making us look selfish and prefer isolation. Even a flower life span is less then a week but it gives something to other/ surrounding – the nectar in the flower will be suck by bees and as a return, the bees will transfer the flowers stem, so that the flower generation can be grow and not extinct from this world. Does the flower restrict itself? Life should be like that. By sharing, we will learn new thing and that’s the way of life.
Well, I do not like to point fingers but I would like to make a change. I would like to quote John F. Kennedy speech edited in his inaugural address, Washington, 20 January 1961 which he says “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” Lets we make the first move. Please be free to mix around with all type of people, learn new culture and share knowledge. By doing this, we can become a strong nation even though we are from different background. I don’t think so we can expect great leaders such as Gandhi, Nelson Mandela or Mother Theresa to reborn again for the changes and impact that they have given to the world. We must learn from past to create a better future.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The earth is mute.

The earth is mute. It doesn’t own a block of shares in the market. It doesn’t rise up at a protest rally and it can’t even buy a hybrid car. The earth has no voice and someone must speak for it. Our environment is in alarming stage with air pollution due to carbon emission through carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) and nitrogen oxide, water pollution due to release of waste product and contaminants into waters, soil contamination which occurs when chemicals are released by spills or underground leakage, noise pollution which encompasses roadways noise and industrial noise, thermal pollution, visual pollution and radioactive contamination.
As a responsible individual who reside on this earth, we owe the environment so much. Environmental awareness need to be created and nurture in every individual to protect our mother nature. There are few measurement can be taken to protect the environment.
First of all is recycling. By recycling products, we can reduce the wastes. For example, by recycling newspaper, it can reduce wastages. When paper is recycle, it can be reproduce as recycled papers such as toilet rolls and printing paper. At the same time, we save trees form being cut and reduce deforestation. Trees are important element in our eco system because it helps to reduce global warming phenomenon and absorb carbon dioxide level.
Secondly, government can improve public transport system so that public can reduce the usage of individual car to travel. Individual should start to pay bills via online. Eliminating paper trail banking and paying bills online does more than save trees. It also helps reduce fuel consumption by the trucks and planes that transport paper check.
Thirdly, individual must practice to buy product with the label of Energy Star. Energy Star is a rating system provide by Environmental Protection Agency and it consume 35% less energy than the average. By using Energy Star appliance at home, consumers can reduce their utility bill as much as 30%.
Shoppers should stop use plastic bags. Every year more than 500 billion plastic bags are distributed but less than 3% of those bag are recycled. They are typically made by polyethylene and can take up to 1000 years to biodegradable in landfills that emit harmful greenhouse gases.
Government, non governmental organizations, industries, institutions and school should star plant a tree program. It seems like simple arithmetic where a tree can absorb up to a ton of carbon dioxide over its lifetime so planting one should be an easy way to mitigate climate change and planting many of them should make a real difference.
Lastly, consume less, share more and live simply. Moderate lifestyle and using environmentally friendly product will help our earth in so many ways in keeping them safe and sound for next generation. Treat out Mother Nature as we taking care our own mum who gives us place for live in this world.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Current Politic Scenario

Last weekend I was in KL.
It has been my monthly routine to be in KL at least once in a month – minimum.
I will visit my sis, loved ones and my friends in KL.
On Friday night there was a BBQ party at my sis place.
Some friends and relatives came down and as usual the chaps gathered and started conversation on politics.
Yeah, it is very interesting and hot topic in our country right now.
Well, I’m neutral party when it comes to politics because politician is just like 4 seasons in a year because they change accordance to time and situation.
We as voters only can choose which “season” we liked the most but sooner or later it will change by itself or by other forces.
So, when it comes to politics I would say I like all 4 seasons as it has its own advantages and disadvantages but as normal human being I just wish all “4 seasons” can preserve harmony and peace in the country.
If we look back to our country history, our forefathers gained independence through democratic process. In another word, it was very peaceful and without any chaos. So the history has clearly said that the Malaysian since 50 years ago already practice tolerance and created mutual understand to live together peacefully and harmony. This is the core of our nation essence for its success. I can’t deny that Barisan government had done wonderful job for past 50 years for what we are today. But if you understand the concept of product life cycle - any system, organization, party or even our life as individual has the implication of PLC. It is whether we realize it or not.
In this concept there is 4 stages which are Introduction – Stage 1, Growth- Stage 2, Maturity – Stage 3 and Dead/Rebirth – Stage 4.
I would say that Barisan is already completed stage 3 and now it is in stage 4.
From 1957 – 1963 ( Stage 1) ,
1964 – 1975 ( Stage 2)
1976 – 2004 ( Stage 3)
2004 onwards till today – Stage 4
If we look in today scenario of our country, the younger generation - whom I consider those born after 1970, prefer Barisan should be replace with new party.
The propaganda by Barisan about national unity and integration are no longer valid as they fail to realize that Malaysians already united in 1957. If we never amalgamated, I don’t think so we can gain our independence. Only the politicians are talking about racism, polarization and schism. In order for them ( Barisan) to continue stay in power this is merely politic gimmick which not relevant in our country.
Each Malaysian have at least minimum of 1 friend which different from their own race. The simple example I would give whether Malaysian have been united or not is when it comes to food. Nasi lemak ( Malay Food ) and Roti Canai
( Indian Food ) become “national” breakfast, Chicken Rice ( Chinese Food) become common famous lunch for Malaysian and Dinner - j food vary from Char Koey Teow, Thosai, Chapati, Nasi Kandar, Nasi Kerabu, Soto Ayam, Sizzling noodle and et cetera. We understand different culture very much and have good understanding on it. It is not fair at all to say that Malaysian is not UNITED. The only thing which I feel we need to focus is to have clear conscience, free from racial biasness and work as TEAM ( Together Everyone Achieve More) to become leading nation.
It is time for Malaysian to find new avenue to reach this goal. The current government lack focuses on this and I won’t blame because once we are too longer in any position, we will be in comfort zone and can’t see underlying issues.
We tend to tell ourselves that we are doing the right thing but in actual we are not.
That’s why I would say it is time for us to give chance to new party which can brings us to accomplish this common goal. It is time for Barisan government either rebirth with new vision or gone by the wind. For the new party – people front, I would like to wish them all the best and can lead us for brighter future. Giving hope is one thing and to achieve it is another thing. I HOPE, our HOPE will be materialized and not only remain as HOPE.
Vision without action is a daydream.
Action without vision is nightmare.
I believe that the only thing remains unchanged in the world is changes.
Let’s create changes in politics.
Be wise – please don’t vote for party as it is merely symbol but vote for people ( regardless of politic background, skin color or personal gain)who can speak for us and struggle for our rights.

P/S – this is only my view and not meant to offend anyone.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Decision,Discipline & Determination

I would like to share something which I recently read in Forbes Asia.
This is story about Wong Fong Fui – Singapore’s 37th richest man. He own Singapore’s oldest companies – Bousteadco Singapore. He has transformed the company now called Boustead Singapore, from a hodgepodge of mostly unprofitably business into a well-regarded provider of industrial engineering and infrastructure. What I’m interested more is his hunger of success. He born into a poor family in Johor. He became a rubber tapper at age 7. “Life was tough – all I saw every day was rubber trees and mosquitoes. My early objective was to escape and live in the city”, Wong says. He taught himself English by buying a dictionary and studying ten words a day. He woke up at 5 am each morning to listen to the BBC on the radio. He was accepted into secondary school after he wrote an essay, “My Store”. An excerpt: “ I tap rubber trees. I see rubber trees in the morning. I see rubber trees in the evening. I see rubber trees
every day, day in, day out. Rubber trees, rubber trees. I hate rubber trees”.

After I read this story, it makes me to wonder what actually determination can mean to someone. Its trigger me on Thomas Edison quotes:
The first requisite for success is
to apply your physical and mental
energies to one problem incessantly
without growing weary
Decision, discipline and determination are keys for success.
There is one book by Brian Tracy -“Eat that Frog” which help on character building and steps to achieve goals in our lives.
I think that’s all for today snippet. I hope it is not boring as this is my first try.
I’m very excited and looking forward for healthy and encouraging comments.

My Background

I’m very glad that to be the first one to have my own blog.
This blog is created to cater current information technology which had and will play an important roles in everyone life.
My blog will be focus on me in weekly basis updates, current issues impacting our World and Malaysia and any interesting subjects or experiences that I went thru and want to share with everyone.
First of all, I would like to give a brief introduction of myself.
I’m 27 years old and still single but not available.
I’m in relationship for more than 7 years and expected to settle down some where next year.
I practice Hinduism but I always welcome and respect other religion believes and practices.
For me God is just symbol of guidance in our life but we as human being which has been given brain to think should use it wisely and not blame in faith for our own weaknesses.
I’m from very small family background (nucleus family) which consist of my Dad, Mum, my elder sister and myself. Just recently my cousin brother started to stay with us who make our family more meaningful and blissful.
I started my primary education in SRK Desa Jaya, Kepong, KL (1988 – 05’92) and SRK Guru Nanak, Ipoh (05’92 -1993). I continue my secondary school in SMK Dr. Megat Khas (1994 – 1998) , Ipoh till I completed my Form Five in Science stream. Then I did my form six in ACS Ipoh ( 1999 -2000) in Arts stream which I really enjoy the most and met great friends. If there is a chance to back to my past life, I always wanted my Form Six life. Then I further my studies in USM Penang (2001 – 2004). I did degree in Management – major in Marketing and minor in Mass Communication. After I completed my bachelor degree, I joined the world largest chipmaker organization in 2004 till now. I’m very proud to be in this organization which is rich in its culture and challenging working environment. It is going to be 4 years since I joined this organization and at the same time I’m pursuing my MBA in USM as well. I started my MBA last year (2007 and target to complete by 07’09