Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The earth is mute.

The earth is mute. It doesn’t own a block of shares in the market. It doesn’t rise up at a protest rally and it can’t even buy a hybrid car. The earth has no voice and someone must speak for it. Our environment is in alarming stage with air pollution due to carbon emission through carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) and nitrogen oxide, water pollution due to release of waste product and contaminants into waters, soil contamination which occurs when chemicals are released by spills or underground leakage, noise pollution which encompasses roadways noise and industrial noise, thermal pollution, visual pollution and radioactive contamination.
As a responsible individual who reside on this earth, we owe the environment so much. Environmental awareness need to be created and nurture in every individual to protect our mother nature. There are few measurement can be taken to protect the environment.
First of all is recycling. By recycling products, we can reduce the wastes. For example, by recycling newspaper, it can reduce wastages. When paper is recycle, it can be reproduce as recycled papers such as toilet rolls and printing paper. At the same time, we save trees form being cut and reduce deforestation. Trees are important element in our eco system because it helps to reduce global warming phenomenon and absorb carbon dioxide level.
Secondly, government can improve public transport system so that public can reduce the usage of individual car to travel. Individual should start to pay bills via online. Eliminating paper trail banking and paying bills online does more than save trees. It also helps reduce fuel consumption by the trucks and planes that transport paper check.
Thirdly, individual must practice to buy product with the label of Energy Star. Energy Star is a rating system provide by Environmental Protection Agency and it consume 35% less energy than the average. By using Energy Star appliance at home, consumers can reduce their utility bill as much as 30%.
Shoppers should stop use plastic bags. Every year more than 500 billion plastic bags are distributed but less than 3% of those bag are recycled. They are typically made by polyethylene and can take up to 1000 years to biodegradable in landfills that emit harmful greenhouse gases.
Government, non governmental organizations, industries, institutions and school should star plant a tree program. It seems like simple arithmetic where a tree can absorb up to a ton of carbon dioxide over its lifetime so planting one should be an easy way to mitigate climate change and planting many of them should make a real difference.
Lastly, consume less, share more and live simply. Moderate lifestyle and using environmentally friendly product will help our earth in so many ways in keeping them safe and sound for next generation. Treat out Mother Nature as we taking care our own mum who gives us place for live in this world.


Azhar said...

why suddenly become so environmentalist? are u having a bad experience lately? anyway, i am impressed on the article. Good analytical thinking. Keep up!

Anonymous said...

pikir dulu sebelum buang!


i think its time to educate our ppl on saving the earth.
We shud have more movies like 11th hour/ the inconvenient truth to let ppl know how bad we; as a citizen of the earth did to this place we called ‘our world’

yeah, i like this entry too.
