Sunday, December 14, 2008

Horizontal Seperation

I’m sure everyone has heard and read the news of landslide in Bukit Antarabangsa. The landslide impact has caused all the 14 bungalows on the hill collapsed and killed 4 people.
This is second incident in that area where previously Highland Towers Condominium collapsed.
Even after the first incident, our government never takes any proactive measurement to ensure such cataclysm will never repeat in future.
First of all, hill side project are dangerous because the trees on hill side will be cut off and the land will be flatten to build house. When there is high rain fall, water will flow down as there are no trees (tree roots) to absorb the water.
This will make the soil elastic and as time goes it will cause erosion and landslide.
The first question we must ask ourselves is – Is it necessary for Malaysian to build houses on hill side? Is Malaysia shortage of flat land? Malaysia is not Hong Kong or Singapore where we leave in a small island and shortage of land.
The geographical aspect of our county is one of the best and that’s is why we are known as “ Suvarnabumi” during Srivijaya & Majapahit Empire.
I hope the current state government will play an important to stop and awarding any projects on hill side.
By the way, the reason I’m writing about the landslide is some of the news I got it from my friends who in charge on the evacuation process at Bukit Antarabangsa.
It seems the government of Malaysia prepares 5 star hotels stay for the impacted family. Besides that, they will receive RM10k to “promote” the generosity of Malaysia government to “natural disaster” victims.
I just want to know why our Malaysia government is always double standard. Are people in Kelantan, Pahang and Terengganu who become the victim of flood are given the same treatment? Are the family is given RM10k?
Is the government preparing 5 star hotels or even low price motel for these families? In the name of government of Malaysia which in reality using tax payers money to “help” Bukit Antarabangsa victim with luxury care is totally unacceptable. Yes, I’m sad for the impacted families in Bukit Antarabangsa but I’m not happy with the double standard practice by our “beloved” government in handling the issue. Just because the resident of this effected area is rich and some of them VIP, the amount of efforts, preventive measurement and other highlights given is not even 30% of attention given when there is any natural disaster such us flood in East Coast or even the recent one in Penang during Hari Raya. The SK Hulu Klang relief centre for Bukit Antarabangsa landslide evacuees is open but remains empty. Instead of using the school, hotel has been given as relief centre using tax payer’s money. Is this a wise move?
The evacuees also refuse to eat “nasi bungkus”. Fair treatment should be given to everyone equally. Every human being in this world must be respect and treated equally. Then only the sprit of one nation, unity, and world peace can be obtained. If the government itself practicing double standard, it will take more time to meet the goal of national unity and integration. In Malaysia, we are already vertically divided based on our ethnicity – Malay, Chinese, Indian, Iban, Kadazan, Sikh and so on. Why then we our self prompting to new horizontal separation – rich, middle income and poor? I think this system is dead after feudalism era. Why human mind back to narrow thinking? How long we are going to live in this world? I hate all this kind of limitation we create and it is just making us look selfish and prefer isolation. Even a flower life span is less then a week but it gives something to other/ surrounding – the nectar in the flower will be suck by bees and as a return, the bees will transfer the flowers stem, so that the flower generation can be grow and not extinct from this world. Does the flower restrict itself? Life should be like that. By sharing, we will learn new thing and that’s the way of life.
Well, I do not like to point fingers but I would like to make a change. I would like to quote John F. Kennedy speech edited in his inaugural address, Washington, 20 January 1961 which he says “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” Lets we make the first move. Please be free to mix around with all type of people, learn new culture and share knowledge. By doing this, we can become a strong nation even though we are from different background. I don’t think so we can expect great leaders such as Gandhi, Nelson Mandela or Mother Theresa to reborn again for the changes and impact that they have given to the world. We must learn from past to create a better future.


Anonymous said...

couldn't agree more, bro!

1st time i read abt the new on the 5star hotel thingy i really mad.bcos those people already berkepuk-kepuk duit mereka in the bank and they can simply buy new BMW latest series the next day after the landslide happened.

mangsa banjir??!!
ohhh well... they can survive... it happens...every year!

can someone throw shoes to our beloved minster? (like what happened today to GB.hahahahaaa..

Anonymous said...

eeehhh sorrryyy...

kat atas tu saye yer...

missy coffeeaddicts ;)
