Monday, September 15, 2008

My Background

I’m very glad that to be the first one to have my own blog.
This blog is created to cater current information technology which had and will play an important roles in everyone life.
My blog will be focus on me in weekly basis updates, current issues impacting our World and Malaysia and any interesting subjects or experiences that I went thru and want to share with everyone.
First of all, I would like to give a brief introduction of myself.
I’m 27 years old and still single but not available.
I’m in relationship for more than 7 years and expected to settle down some where next year.
I practice Hinduism but I always welcome and respect other religion believes and practices.
For me God is just symbol of guidance in our life but we as human being which has been given brain to think should use it wisely and not blame in faith for our own weaknesses.
I’m from very small family background (nucleus family) which consist of my Dad, Mum, my elder sister and myself. Just recently my cousin brother started to stay with us who make our family more meaningful and blissful.
I started my primary education in SRK Desa Jaya, Kepong, KL (1988 – 05’92) and SRK Guru Nanak, Ipoh (05’92 -1993). I continue my secondary school in SMK Dr. Megat Khas (1994 – 1998) , Ipoh till I completed my Form Five in Science stream. Then I did my form six in ACS Ipoh ( 1999 -2000) in Arts stream which I really enjoy the most and met great friends. If there is a chance to back to my past life, I always wanted my Form Six life. Then I further my studies in USM Penang (2001 – 2004). I did degree in Management – major in Marketing and minor in Mass Communication. After I completed my bachelor degree, I joined the world largest chipmaker organization in 2004 till now. I’m very proud to be in this organization which is rich in its culture and challenging working environment. It is going to be 4 years since I joined this organization and at the same time I’m pursuing my MBA in USM as well. I started my MBA last year (2007 and target to complete by 07’09


Tricky Woman said...

I like this kind of sharing as I don't read that much, will need to acquire more knowledge from you. :)

Seri Bulan said...

yuhuuuu...finally i dpt baca the blog..heheh...brave la u...good good....maybe u can share ur OS project paper is rapid penang doing?
